While reading the datasheet of any surge protector, one cannot help but notice, among the many items, the wording "Type" and "Test Class". But what do these two terms refer to? Let's clarify briefly.
Reference Standards
Both wordings refer to two types of classifications provided by two regulations: the CEI EN 61643-11 Standard "Surge protective devices connected to low-voltage systems. Requirements and tests" which classifies SPDs into Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3, and the IEC 61643-11 Standard which instead divides them according to test classes I, II, and III. Both standards measure the parameter of the SPD's discharge capacity with the same waveform, and although with very slight nuances, both classifications can be considered equivalent.
Importance of Discharge Current
However, it is important to remember that to identify which SPD to use, it is not enough to indicate the Type or Test Class, but it is necessary to associate it with the current value, which varies from SPD to SPD.
Reference Values
Here are the reference values associated with each Type or Test Class:
- A Type 1 SPD / Class I corresponds to a waveform of 10/350 µs and a discharge current Iimp of 25 kA;
- A Type 2 SPD / Class II corresponds to a waveform of 8/20 µs and a discharge current In of 20 kA;
- A Type 3 SPD / Class III corresponds to a waveform of ≈ 8/20 µs, a discharge current ≤ 5 kA, and a combined impulse of 1.2/50 µs.
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