05 May 2024


  • Manual for Electrical Designers

Lightning is an electrical discharge that occurs between two bodies with a very different electrical potential. It can originate between clouds, or more commonly between a cloud and the ground. In Italy, the period with the highest probability of lightning is the summer season, considering the power of thunderstorms. This atmospheric phenomenon should not be underestimated: at the lightning strike point, the air temperature reaches 15,000°C. Additionally, the discharge can release up to 200 kA of electrical energy to the ground. This shows the danger of lightning and allows us to take the necessary precautions to protect ourselves and our electrical systems through surge protectors.

When you risk being struck by lightning

As mentioned, lightning follows the path of least electrical resistance between a cloud and the ground. However, this path does not always correspond to the shortest one from a geometric point of view. Anything or anyone that rises above the ground can become a vulnerable target for lightning, shortening its path. The higher you are, the greater the chance of impact.

The greatest risks for people are related to the possibility of being struck individually by lightning. However, there are different ways to be struck by lightning:

  • directly struck: the higher you are, the more likely you are to be struck (or the higher you are relative to the surrounding environment, e.g., a person on the beach is the highest point)
  • indirectly struck: when lightning strikes the ground, the current spreads through the ground in all directions up to 20 meters away, risking hitting the person who comes into contact with it.

The danger of a thunderstorm, and thus the need to find shelter, depends on its proximity to the ground. If the time between the lightning and the thunder it generates is less than 10 seconds, you need to find shelter. In these cases, you can protect yourself in a car, which discharges directly to the ground without hitting the cabin, or in a building (provided it is well protected with a lightning protection device).

The risk of being struck increases when you are near tall objects that can conduct the electricity discharged by the lightning. This includes electric poles, isolated trees, road signs; wood and metal not only attract electrical discharges but also act as conductors. However, the conductor par excellence is metal: its greater conductivity allows it to transmit electricity over longer distances. During thunderstorms, it is therefore advisable to stay away from metal structures and avoid wearing metal objects or using umbrellas with metal tips.

Damage caused by lightning

Due to their power, lightning can cause numerous damages. Regarding personal damage, the extent depends on the amount of electrical energy transferred to the body. In most cases, the current passes over the body's surface, causing burns, scalds, and external injuries.

It is when the discharge passes through the body's interior that the damage becomes more serious:

● Skull and spinal fractures due to falls
● Temporary or permanent lameness of the limbs
● Temporary consciousness problems
● Increased blood pressure
● Vision and hearing disturbances
● Fainting and respiratory arrest
● Cardiac arrest and prolonged damage
● Brain and central nervous system damage

Lightning can also cause damage to the environment around us with consequences:

● Thermal: fires, evaporation, and melting of metal materials due to the enormous heat produced at the moment of contact with the object
● Mechanical: deformations and breaks in power lines cables, resulting in short circuits
● Electromagnetic: emission of electromagnetic waves that can create interference with power lines, telephone connections, and radio transmissions
● Chemical: discharges of ozone and nitric compounds in the soil.

Useful tips for protecting yourself from lightning

As mentioned earlier, the period when these phenomena occur most frequently is summer. Evening thunderstorms are frequent and very powerful. Additionally, not all areas have the same lightning risk; in Italy, the highest probabilities are concentrated in the Po Valley. However, it is always good to be aware of the methods to avoid being struck by lightning, as thunderstorms can arrive suddenly, and it is not always possible to get home. Here are some useful tips for protecting yourself from lightning:

● Avoid lying on the ground: this increases the surface area in contact with the ground and the amount of electricity that can hit you. Also, avoid standing with legs apart. It is recommended to crouch, keeping your arms around your knees and your feet together, especially if the storm is very close.
● Avoid running, as it generates an electromagnetic trail that attracts lightning more; it is recommended to walk quickly.
● Do not stay on the edges of forests with tall trees; rather, take refuge inside at least 3 meters away from the shrubs.
● If in company, move away from other people to prevent the discharges from propagating between close individuals.
● Stay away from isolated trees, especially if tall and with long, protruding branches.
● Get rid of metal objects and stay away from metal structures such as fences, poles, and phone booths.
● Avoid contact with water of any kind (beaches, boats, natural water bodies, showers, pipes...).
● Avoid outdoor activities in the mountains or hills, do not light fires, and stay away from chimneys.
● Take refuge in a car with the windows closed and avoid touching the doors.

Protecting yourself from lightning: ZOTUP surge protectors

The overview provided shows how lightning is both a fascinating and dangerous phenomenon. These powerful electrical discharges can strike people, producing severe physical effects. Electrical systems are also at risk during thunderstorms and can be seriously damaged if struck by lightning. Therefore, it is necessary to take the proper precautions to avoid damage and costly repairs.

ZOTUP was created with the aim of offering complete protection against lightning and overvoltages with its surge protectors. Since 1986, ZOTUP experts and researchers have been working to offer the best solutions for these types of problems.

The company's values are clear and fundamental. Safety for people, their property, and their work environment. Quality of products to keep promises to customers. Continuous innovation to respond effectively to customer needs.

ZOTUP surge protectors are adaptable to different needs and problems: in addition to protection for civil and industrial installations, SPDs are provided for the protection of public LED lighting, safeguarding photovoltaic systems, as well as limiters for signal and measurement circuits, data and antenna transmission, railway installations, and cathodic protection. ZOTUP guarantees 360° protection with surge protectors for low, medium, and high voltage.

Choose the quality, professionalism, and innovation of ZOTUP surge protectors and SPDs.

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