from "Tutto Normel" n.4 April 2016 - M. Mazzaro, A. Foggetto
In the last ten years, especially in the last five, following generous incentives, over 650,000 photovoltaic systems have been installed in our country for a total power of around 20 GW. About half of this overall power is due to systems placed on buildings. To limit the risk relating to fires in buildings, due to photovoltaic systems, the Fire Brigade has issued various circulars over the last few years, limited to subject to their control (Presidential Decree 151/11), TNE 6/12, page. 23. The installation of such a number high number of photovoltaic systems is occurred in a short time, sometimes without compliance with technical standards, also due to the lack of preparation and experience on this type of systems on the part of many operators in the electricity sector. Furthermore, these systems are often not subject to adequate maintenance. There are around a thousand fires a year caused by faults or malfunctions on photovoltaic systems, even if they only have a few years of life.